Jumat, 15 April 2011

Tugas Bhs. Inggris 2 Softskill (FREE SEX)

Free sex is a behavior driven by sexual desire in addressed in the form of behavior. The factors that cause sex-free because of opposition from the opposite sex, there is pressure from family and friends. From year to year data teens free sex increased, from 5% there in the 1980s to 20% in 2000. Has been doing research on adolescent knowledge about sex picture free in the village of Paya Bakung Hamlet Overlay District IB Silver yahun 2006. This study used a questionnaire that in ajuka respondents with a total sample of 42 respondents. The study, which involved the association is not good as much as 80.9%, while adolescents who get free source of information about sex as much as 47.6% and adolescents who are good economic situation as much as 35.6% and adolescents who berpengetahuaan enough about sex as much as 43% while both the and less of each as much as 28.5. Can be deduced that the lack of pengetahuaan teens about sex due to lack of awareness of youth about the situation and there is no openness between parents and children.

Various Colored Friendship with experiences joy and sorrow, be entertained - hurt, note - let down, Audible - ignored, assisted - Rejected, but all these have never intentionally done with the purpose of hatred. A friend does not hide Mistakes to Avoid Disputes, precisely Because of his love he ventured to rebuke what it is. Companions never wrap a blow with a kiss, but said what was very painful for the purpose of his friend Want to change.

The process of friends changed from friends require maintenance of the loyalty business, but not When We need help then We have the motivation to seek attention, help and pernyataaan love from others, but instead he stores the initiative to Provide and Realize what is needed by his friend.
Longing is changed from part of the life of his friend, Because there is no friendship That Begins with
self-important attitude. Everyone will of need a true friend, but not everyone got it. Many people who have been enjoying the beauty of friendship, but Some are so devastated by his best friend betrayed.

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